Comprehensive Financial Planning is designed to be a long-term, collaborative, ongoing relationship to help you achieve your financial goals. Financial Life Journeys uses the financial planning process defined by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. We will use this process to understand where you are at in your financial plan and where you want to go.
Here’s our process:
- Understand Your Personal and Financial Circumstances
- Identify and Select Values-Based Goals
- Analyze Your Current Course of Action and Potential Alternative Course(s) of Action
- Develop the Financial Planning Recommendations(s)
- Present the Financial Planning Recommendation(s)
- Implement the Financial Planning Recommendation(s)
- Monitor Progress and Make Updates
Annual Fees for Comprehensive Financial Planning range from $2,500 – $7,000 based on the complexity of the your situation. Each client’s fee will be specified in your respective planning agreement. The Agreement will automatically renew each year and a new engagement period will begin.